Start the Month Evening Services

Every first Sunday in the month we hold a special evening service. Each service is different - some traditional, others less so. These services are ideal if you enjoy less formal styles of worship in a more relaxed atmosphere. The services normally start at 7.30 pm with coffee, tea and cakes served beforehand at 7pm

Start the Month - Evening Services 2022

2nd January - Start the Year with God

6th February -  Candlemas Taize

6th March -  Frontline - Whoever You Are

3rd April -  Lent - Prayer and Fasting

1st May - Ecumenical Songs of Praise

19th June  - Pentecostal Songs of Praise

3rd July - Thank You Tea and  Service

4th September - Frontline - Together We Grow

2nd October - Joy of God  at 6pm followed by Fish & Chip supper

6th November - Service of Hope & Light

4th December - Advent Service

18th December - 9 Lessons and Carols



Last updated 01/22