Different ways of giving

Southwater parish church relies on the generosity of local people to support our ministry and maintain our beautiful Victorian church.  We have no other source of income or investment.

Our income comes from collections at church services, regular planned giving, occasional gifts from donors and fund raising events like the church fair. The parish magazine and church room also contribute.

Church expenses are high. Over £4,000 per month must be paid for clergy support and training before our own insurances, heating and maintenance can be paid. We struggle to break even.

How can you support us?

·        Donations can be made directly into the church bank account:                         Account name: PCC Southwater, Sort Code: 60-11-17, Account no: 62148931

     Small regular offerings are our life blood. Set up a monthly standing order for what you can afford using the details on our Standing Order form

·         If you are a UK tax payer, gift aid everything you give by filling in our Gift Aid form so we can reclaim the tax. Our gift aid claim keeps us solvent.

·         Come to our church and enjoy its peace and tranquillity. Light a candle and place an offering in the wall safe or donate using the SumUp device by the main doorway

·         Support the church fair, spend some money and have some fun.

·         Advertise in Southwater News and reach over 4000 homes in Southwater.

·         Book the church room for a party or special event. It has plenty of space and your best sofa won’t get ruined.

For further information please contact the treasurer

Giving in faith

God has promised to bless us abundantly when we give with a cheerful heart. 

 Last updated 06/24